Thursday, September 25, 2008


Recently, there are lots of people who spend a lot of money for their pets in Japan.

LOUIS VUITTON’s goods for a dog

Spending 5,000yen for a cat’s “hair salon” every week

Yoga lessons for dogs

Restaurants for dogs…

Their life seems much more expensive than my life!

By the way, the way of expression of cry or bark of animals is very different depend on the language.

Can you guess what animal’s cry these are?

ワンワン (wanwan)
ニャーニャー (nya-nya-)

ブーブー (bu-bu-)

ヒヒーン (hihi-n)

メーメー (me-me-)

コケコッコー (kokekokko-)

Answer key :

ワンワン (wanwan) is for dogs.

ニャーニャー (nya-nya-) is for cats.
ブーブー (bu-bu-) is for pigs.
ヒヒーン (hihi-n) is for horses.
メーメー (me-me-) is for goats.
コケコッコー (kokekokko-) is for chickens.

How do you describe them in your language?

I know some of them in English and I think English expressions sound much more real than Japanese ones!


  1. Haha, it really is strange to see how these differ so much.

    I'm actually brazilian, so I guess most will find ours weird too.
    Dogs say "Au Au" (say it like Ow ow), Cats say "Miau" (like Myau), pigs say "Oinc" (can't really describe that).

    Chickens do "Có có có". It's not really different, but it's somewhat strange to read in another way.

    I find your blog really amusing, please keep posting =]

  2. Anonymous3:21 AM

    Here's a late addition from a passer-by, just for the heck of it (since this blog looks like abandoned now);

    Finnish equivalents
    "hau hau" or "vuh vuh" for dogs.
    "miau miau" for cats.
    "oink oink" or "röh röh" for pigs.
    "ii-hahahaa" for horses.
    "bää bää" for goats.
    "kot kot" for chickens.

  3. In US English; these words are often double while being taught, but I would say they are more often used singularly. If you want the phonetics, I suggest you look them up--sorry, I'm too lazy right now.

    Woof/ruff - dogs
    Meow/Purr - cats
    Oink - pigs
    Nay - horses, & Hee-Haw for donkeys
    Baa - goats
    Cluck-cluck, or Coo-coo for Chickens. That one is usually doubled up.
    Cock-a-doodle-doo - roosters morning call

    I'm not sure on the spelling of this one, but chicken/roosters can also say becawk. I should ask my nephew what he says for these. He's 3 years old.
